Friday, January 14, 2011

January Fourteen

It's my birthday tomorrow! I'm so excited! It's sad that I'm only turning 17 instead of 18 because then I could go out and do whatever I wanted! Oh well, only one more year and I'm sure that I'll find someone that looks like me... hopefully!
Today the weather has been so much nicer, compared to what it has been lately.
I'm wearing my Cheap Monday jeans, Angel Biba americana top, Windsor Smith clogs (which I didn't have on yet!).

I love my clogs, they are so comfy and they're the only sandal-type shoes I have this summer! The weather hasn't been that hot at all, so I keep putting it off but I really want a pair of jelly sandals!

1 comment:

  1. I love jellies they're my fav shoes behind Louboutins. Happy birthday! I'm not 17 for another month. Come on, have fun, you're 17, 1 year away, put some heels on and no one will know (or fake id it up!)!! Thanks for the comment, I guess because I'm a self taught when it comes to sewing the only tip is to practice practice practice.

