Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January Eighteen

I have been doing nothing in the past three days. I should have been blogging.
Nothing is a lie, but I haven't been doing all that much more.
On Sunday (the 16th), my father and went out and bought an dSLR camera for my birthday! I'm quite excited about it! It's actually my first camera, I used to borrow my mum and my dad's for when I felt like taking photos.
When I got home, I realized that I should have bought a memory card! Due to my un-forward thinking I wasn't able to take photos for a whole day. Devastating really, especially when you get a new toy. It felt like when I was little and the new toy required batteries, the kind that you don't just have, like a 9V.
Then on Monday, I went to Officeworks and bought a MicroDrive. The annoying part is that I didn't have anything to take photos of! My parents, brother and cat get quite boring to take photos of after about ten minutes.
Today, I woke up at one and had to go to work, which was quite sad because I hadn't been in over a week and a half. I don't like working, being a check out girl basically sucks. Again, another day with nothing to photograph.
Tomorrow, I am going to Lygon st with my two bestfriends to celebrate my birthday and my bestfriend's birthday which is most ironically on the exact same day! I'll have to take my camera and put it to good use.

Before these three incredibly boring days, was my birthday, and as it seems for most people my age, (or maybe just those in my area?) I had dinner with nine friends at Taco Bill's. My best friend bought her camera so I have some good photos from that! I had a fish bowl margarita and got one of those sombreros! I don't particularly like Mexican food, I just wanted a strawberry margarita. The Taco Bill in Russell St isn't particularly big, and so when they began singing happy birthday (much to my objections) the whole place joined in! It was really quite embarrassing, but I guess you only turn seventeen once.
I wore: HUGE false eyelashes, black skort/golf style shorts, clogs and a bow tie top.

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